Address Model

The properties and methods of an Address Model are identical whether you are accessing them via Twig or PHP.

{% set address = entry.myAddressField %}

Additional Properties and Methods

The Address Model is an extension of the Location Model. It contains all properties and methods of the Location Model, plus the properties and methods shown below.

You can access lat and lng just as easily as street1 and street2.

# Public Properties

# id

int - ID of the Address.

# elementId

int - Element ID of the element containing the Address.

# siteId

int - Site ID of the site containing the Address.

# fieldId

int - Field ID of the Address field.

# formatted

string - A nicely-formatted single-line interpretation of the address, provided by Google during the initial geocoding.

# raw

array - The original data used to create this Address Model. Contains the full response from the original Google API call.

# name

string - The location's official name. Commonly used for landmarks and business names.

# street1

string - The first line of the street address. Usually contains the street name & number of the location.

# street2

string - The second line of the street address. Usually contains the apartment, unit, or suite number.

# city

string - The city. (aka: town)

# state

string - The state. (aka: province)

# zip

string - The zip code. (aka: postal code)

# neighborhood

string - The neighborhood.

# county

string - The local county. (aka: district)

# country

string - The country. (aka: nation)

Similar sounding, but very different

We recognize that county and country are extremely similar words, and apologize on behalf of the English language.

# countryCode

string - The country code.

# placeId

string - The official place_id as specified by the Google API (opens new window).

# distance

float - Alias for getDistance().

# zoom

int - Zoom level of the map as shown in the control panel.

# enabledSubfields

array - Handles of visible subfields.

# Public Methods

# getElement()

Get the corresponding element which contains this Address. It's possible that no element ID exists (for example, if the Address Model was created manually, instead of using data from the database).

# getField()

Get the corresponding field which contains this Address. It's possible that no field ID exists (for example, if the Address Model was created manually, instead of using data from the database).

# getDistance(location = null, units = 'miles')

Calculate the distance between this Address, and a second location. Behaves just as described in the Location Model, pass in a separate location to measure the distance between them.

If the Address was retrieved as part of a proximity search, you can optionally omit all parameters. Skipping both parameters will make the getDistance() method behave as an alias for the dynamically-calculated distance property.

When conducting a proximity search, the distance property is the distance between this Address, and your proximity search target. It will be returned in whatever unit of measurement (miles or kilometers) was specified in the proximity search options.

One Way or the Other

If the Address was not returned in a set of proximity search results, you must functionally declare a second location. Otherwise, there will be no distance for the method to measure.

# linkToMap(parameters = {})

Identical to parent method, except more data can be extracted from an Address Model.

# linkToDirections(parameters = {}, origin = null)

Identical to parent method, except more data can be extracted from an Address Model.

# isEmpty()

bool - Returns whether all the non-coordinate address fields are empty, or whether they contain any data at all. Specifically looks to see if data exists in any of the following subfields:

  • street1
  • street2
  • city
  • state
  • zip
  • country
{% if not address.isEmpty %}
    {{ address.multiline() }}
{% endif %}

# multiline(maxLines = 3)

  • maxLines - Maximum number of lines (1-4) allocated to display the address.
{{ address.multiline(1) }}

   123 Main St, Suite #101, Springfield, CO 81073

# 1

All information will be condensed into a single line. Very similar to formatted, although the country value will be omitted here. Other minor formatting differences are also possible, since the formatting is being handled by different sources.

# 2

The street1 and street2 will appear on the first line, everything else (except country) will appear on the second line.

# 3

If a street2 value exists, it will be given its own line. Otherwise, that line will be skipped.

# 4

Exactly like 3, with only the addition of the country value.

# Multiline vs. Formatted

When using the multiline method, the various subfield components will be explicitly compiled as described in the examples above.

When using the formatted property, you will get a pre-formatted string which was originally set by the Google API.

{{ address.multiline(1) }}

{# 123 Main St, Suite #101, Springfield, CO 81073 #}

The differences between the two are subtle, but they do exist. We can't know how Google compiles each formatted value, but we have a very specific formula to follow when using multiline.

Please be mindful of these differences when deciding which to use. When in doubt, you can always just output the model directly as a string.

# Output as a String

{{ address }}

When you output the model directly, it attempts to render the entire address on a single line. This triggers the internal __toString method, which then does one of the following things...

  1. If the formatted value exists, that will be returned.
  2. Otherwise, it will generate a single line address by using the multiline(1) method.

Google Formatted Preferred

The formatted value will be preferred, because it was supplied by Google as a pre-compiled string. However, the end result of multiline(1) should (theoretically) be similar enough for a reasonable fallback.