Dynamic Maps

We've designed this plugin to be a universally helpful tool, regardless of which programming language you are working with.

  • The Universal API provides a harmonious way to manipulate your maps across languages.
  • Chaining allows you to quickly customize maps in the most flexible possible way.

# Creating a Map in Twig

Here's a straightforward example of how you might create a simple dynamic map in Twig...

{# Get all locations #}
{% set locations = craft.entries.section('locations').all() %}

{# Create a dynamic map with markers #}
{{ googleMaps.map(locations).tag() }}

Of course, that's only the beginning. It's possible to do much more complicated things with your map by tapping into the Universal Methods, which are equally available across JavaScript, Twig, and PHP.

# Manipulating a Map in JavaScript

By chaining these methods together, you can endlessly adjust the map as needed. You can even call up an existing map, and continue to manipulate it further.

// Get an existing map
//   Change a marker icon
//   Pan to that marker
//   Zoom in
    .setMarkerIcon('my-marker', 'http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/ms/micons/green.png')

This gives you the maximum amount of control over how each map will be rendered.

Creating or Retrieving Map Objects

Map objects will be stored internally for later use. See the Map Management methods for details on how to create and/or retrieve maps.

Required JS Assets

If the map is compiled exclusively in JavaScript (without any Twig or PHP), you will likely need to manually load the required assets.

# Language-Specific Methods

There are a few additional methods which are specific to a given language. For more details, check out the JavaScript Methods and Twig & PHP Methods.

Ending a Chain

In order to end a series of chained methods, you must always apply the tag method. It's important to note that this is considered a language-specific method, because its usage varies so drastically between languages.

# Location Variations

When creating a new map, or appending markers to an existing map, you'll have an opportunity to provide a set of locations for placement on the map. Twig & PHP are capable of working with Elements or Address Models, but JavaScript is limited to coordinates only.

JavaScript Twig PHP
Elements (opens new window)
Address Models

# Managing JavaScript Assets

When using dynamic maps, a trio of JavaScript assets will be automatically loaded:

  • Google Maps JavaScript API
  • A local JS file to manage dynamic maps
  • A local JS file representing a dynamic map object

These files are all loaded automatically by default, but that is easy to override. You do ultimately have full control over how and when these files will be loaded.

For more information, see the guide on Loading JavaScript...