Multisite Support

For projects with multiple sites, each site can store a different Address field value.

All native translation methods are supported:

Screenshot of Address field translation options

# Proximity Searches

It's worth noting that proximity searches are generally confined to a single site (unless otherwise specified).

This gives you the flexibility of having differing addresses for different sites, or allowing an address to exist in one site, but not others.

# Multisite Migration

When updating the plugin to v4.6 (Craft 4) or v5.1 (Craft 5), a significant migration will be run in the database. If your project contains multiple sites, all existing rows in the googlemaps_addresses table will be duplicated for each site.

Effectively, the number of existing table rows will be multiplied by the number of sites in your project.

This allows Craft to treat each Address as unique within each site.