Front-End Form

# Basic input fields

If your website features a front-end form (opens new window) for users to manage content, it's easy to include a simplified version of an Address field in that form.

Each of the Address subfields can be handled using a standard text input. Or you could use something like a dropdown (for state or country) or hidden fields (for lat & lng).

The following sample snippet leans heavily on Craft's native input function (opens new window), which renders a normal <input> HTML tag.

# Sample Address Field

The Address field consists of many subfields. Each subfield is a normal HTML input.


Remember, myAddressField is just a placeholder for your actual Address field handle!

 # Visible Subfields
 # (eg: `street1`, `city`, etc)
<label>Street Address</label>
{{ input('text',
    entry.myAddressField.street1 ?? null,
    {id: 'myAddressField-street1'}
) }}
<label>Apartment or Suite</label>
{{ input('text',
    entry.myAddressField.street2 ?? null,
    {id: 'myAddressField-street2'}
) }}
{{ input('text',
    'fields[myAddressField][city]', ?? null,
    {id: 'myAddressField-city'}
) }}
{{ input('text',
    entry.myAddressField.state ?? null,
    {id: 'myAddressField-state'}
) }}
<label>Zip Code</label>
{{ input('text',
    'fields[myAddressField][zip]', ?? null,
    {id: 'myAddressField-zip'}
) }}
{{ input('text',
    'fields[myAddressField][country]', ?? null,
    {id: 'myAddressField-country'}
) }}
{{ input('text',
    'fields[myAddressField][lat]', ?? null,
    {id: 'myAddressField-lat'}
) }}
{{ input('text',
    entry.myAddressField.lng ?? null,
    {id: 'myAddressField-lng'}
) }}

 # Hidden Subfields
 # (eg: `formatted`, `raw`, etc)
{{ input('hidden',
    entry.myAddressField.formatted ?? null,
    {id: 'myAddressField-formatted'}
) }}
{{ input('hidden',
    entry.myAddressField.raw ?? null,
    {id: 'myAddressField-raw'}
) }}

Of course, it's possible to swap out these HTML form field types. They do not all need to be regular text inputs. Some common examples might be...

  • Using a dropdown menu for the state and/or country fields.
  • Using hidden fields to hold the lat and lng values.

Coordinates are Critical

Assuming you want to be able to show this location on a map, or would like it to appear in the results of a proximity search, then it is critical to include the lat and lng fields.

If you don't want the coordinates to be editable, you can use hidden inputs instead.

# Using the Places API

Once you have the form fields in place, you can activate the Google Places Autocomplete (opens new window).

For your convenience, we've provided a script that you can copy & paste to a folder in your public directory. When this JavaScript file is available on the front-end of your site, you can then link to it and enable Google Places autocompletion on your custom form.

# 1. Configure the HTML form inputs

We'll assume that your HTML form looks a lot like the sample above. It's important that the IDs of each input align with the JavaScript code provided.

# 2. Download the address-field.js file

Download this file, and place it in a public front-end directory.

This file belongs to you now

Once you have copied the address-field.js file locally, you are free to make any further adjustments as you deem necessary.

# 3. Add & adjust this Twig snippet

Add the following lines to your Twig template, then adjust them accordingly...

{% do googleMaps.loadAssets({'libraries': 'places'}) %}
{% js 'path/to/address-field.js' %}
{% js 'window.addressField.activateSubfield("myAddressField-street1");' %}

In order, these three lines will:

  1. Load the Google Places API.
  2. Load the new JS file that you just added. Be sure to update the path accordingly.
  3. Activate the first subfield input. Update the snippet to reflect the actual ID of your input.

And you're done! If all went smoothly, your subfield will now use the Google Places autocompletion.

One subfield only

You should only activate a single input (preferably the first subfield, typically street1).

# Geocoding via AJAX

If you'd rather not use the Places API, you can still perform an address lookup via AJAX. This may allow for greater flexibility, but will require greater JavaScript customization on your end.

AJAX agnostic

The Google Maps plugin is unopinionated about which JavaScript framework or approach you use. How you choose to return the data from your AJAX call into the form is entirely up to you.

Depending on your usage, you will most likely want to ping either the /coords endpoint (for just coordinates) or the /one endpoint (for a single complete Address). Under rare circumstances, you may want to ping /all for a collection of Addresses, then most likely let the user decide which Address is correct.

Further Reading

For more information, see the docs regarding Geocoding via AJAX...