
input GoogleMaps_AddressInput {
  id: Int
  elementId: Int
  fieldId: Int
  formatted: String
  raw: GoogleMaps_Raw
  name: String
  street1: String
  street2: String
  city: String
  state: String
  zip: String
  neighborhood: String
  county: String
  country: String
  countryCode: String
  placeId: String
  distance: Float
  zoom: Int
  lat: Float
  lng: Float

Same arguments as GoogleMaps_Address

Both types share the same fields. For more details, see the GoogleMaps_Address type.

The GoogleMaps_AddressInput input type should be used in mutations only.

How to write a mutation

For complete instructions on using the GoogleMaps_AddressInput input type in a mutation, read the docs for Setting an Address with GraphQL.