Importing Addresses

To import a collection of Addresses, use the free Feed Me (opens new window) plugin.

# Feed Me

When configuring the feed, simply assign each column to its respective Address subfield...

Screenshot of Feed Me import

# Bulk Geocoding

At the moment, this plugin does not support automatic geocoding during the import process. If you are importing address data that does not already contain valid coordinates, you may want to generate the coordinates before importing your data.

Bulk Geocode First

Before running the import, make sure you already have the latitude & longitude in your CSV. Otherwise, it will likely be a minor pain to generate each set of Address coordinates later.

# Geocoding from a CSV file

If conducting the import via a CSV file, we recommend running the data through an external bulk lookup service. Here are a few examples...

Service Analysis
SmartyStreets (opens new window) Really nice data and easy to use, but expensive.
GPS Visualizer (opens new window) Not as nice, but it’s free.
Geocodio (opens new window) Nice and cheap.

Once you've generated coordinates for each address in the CSV file, you can then import the complete set of data into Craft using Feed Me.

# Geocoding from a Google Sheet

If you're running the import from Google Sheets, it's possible to do a bulk geocoding of that data before running the import.

# Before Geocoding

# After Geocoding

# Instructions

  1. Open your Google Sheet, and click the "Tools" menu option.

  2. Select "Script editor" from the dropdown menu to open the editor in a separate tab.

  1. Copy the sample code provided (see below), and paste it into the script editor. Read through the code snippet, and make any necessary changes to align with your unique spreadsheet.
  1. Click the "Save" button.

  2. Click the "Run" button.

  3. Watch the results of your script in the "Execution Log".

# Sample Code

Copy & paste this code into your script editor. Make all necessary changes for full compatibility.

function geocode() {
  // Get the current Google Sheet
  const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  // Get the range and cell values
  const range = sheet.getDataRange();
  const cells = range.getValues();

  // Initialize columns (starting with labels)
  const latitudes  = [['Latitude']];
  const longitudes = [['Longitude']];
  const formatted  = [['Formatted']];
  const raw        = [['Raw']];
  // Loop over each row
  for (let i = 1; i < cells.length; i++) {

    // Blank coords by default
    let lat = lng = f = r = '';
     * You may need to adjust the column numbers below.
     * Here's how they line up in this example...
     * - 1 = Street Name
     * - 3 = City
     * - 5 = Zip Code

    // If a street address exists
    if (cells[i][1]) {
      // Compile address string
      const address = `${cells[i][1]}, ${cells[i][3]}, ${cells[i][5]}`;

      // Log the target address

      // Perform geocode lookup
      const geocoder = Maps.newGeocoder().geocode(address);
      const res = geocoder.results[0];
      // If results were found, get coords
      if (res) {
        lat =;
        lng = res.geometry.location.lng;
        f   = res.formatted_address;
        r   = JSON.stringify(res);

      // Slow it down so Google doesn't get mad
      if (5 == i) {

    // Append to columns data

   * You may need to adjust the column letters below.
   * Be sure to assign empty columns for the results,
   * so that no existing data will be overwritten.
  // Write data to each column
  sheet.getRange('H1').offset(0, 0, latitudes.length).setValues(latitudes);
  sheet.getRange('I1').offset(0, 0, longitudes.length).setValues(longitudes);
  sheet.getRange('J1').offset(0, 0, formatted.length).setValues(formatted);
  sheet.getRange('K1').offset(0, 0, raw.length).setValues(raw);

Once you've generated coordinates for each address in the Google Sheet, you can then import the complete set of data into Craft using Feed Me.