All Recipient Types

Not Available to All Message Types
There are a few select message types (namely Announcements and Flash Messages) which cannot send to all recipient types listed below. Follow those links to see which recipients will actually receive each message type.
Additional Filtering of Recipients
Regardless of which recipients are specified, you can always skip a message if an individual recipient fails to meet your custom criteria.
Current User (who triggers the Event)
Sends the message to only the User who triggers the event.
All Users
Sends the message to all Users in the system.
All Admins
Sends the message to all Users with Admin permissions.
All Users in selected User Group(s)
Sends the message to all Users in selected User Groups.
Only selected User(s)
Sends the message to only selected Users.
Dynamic Recipients Coming Soon
Sends the message to a dynamically-compiled set of recipients, as defined by a Twig snippet.