PHP Config File

It's generally not necessary to create a PHP config file for Spoon. If you find that you need one, it can be easily added to your config directory.

Here's how to create a new config/spoon.php file:

# Copy this file...

# To here... (and rename it)

Multi-Environment Configs

Much like the db.php and general.php files, spoon.php is environmentally aware (opens new window).

# Options

return [

    // An array of Matrix field handles which should
    // use the nested settings menu display mode
    'nestedSettings' => []

# nestedSettings

array - Defaults to an empty array.

An array of Matrix field handles which should use the nested settings menu display mode.

// Use a nested settings menu for "My Matrix Field"
'nestedSettings' => ['myMatrixField']

# Nested Settings Menu Display Mode

Enabling this mode for a given Matrix field will change how its blocks are listed under the block settings gear.

Instead of listing each block individually, only the group title will be displayed, with an arrow to expand/collapse the block types within each group.

Screenshot of collapsible block type groups