Detailed view log

# Optional

You don't need the detailed view information for View Count to function properly. This information is generally considered extraneous, but there may be some use-cases where it is handy to have.

# Enabling Detailed Logging

To enable the detailed view log:

  1. Go to the plugin's settings page.
  2. Check the box to "Keep a detailed record of all views".
  3. Save.


Please note, at least some level of plugin development experience is required to pull this off.

You can communicate with View Count via PHP (ie: a custom plugin or module). Simply call the following Record:

use doublesecretagency\viewcount\records\ViewLog;

$detailedLog = ViewLog::findAll([
    'elementId' => $elementId,
    'viewKey'   => $key,

The following data will be available:

Value Descriptions
id Primary key of view record.
elementId Element ID of view target.
viewKey Optional key to allow multiple viewing of the same element.
userId User ID of viewer (or NULL if viewed anonymously).
ipAddress IP address of viewer.
userAgent User agent of viewer's device.
dateCreated Timestamp of when vote was cast.