Override settings

You can set the plugin's config settings via a file in your project's /config/ folder. Similar to the default general.php and db.php, create a config file called star-ratings.php. Once you've created that, you can override any of the default settings values...

return [
    'maxStarsAvailable' => 5,
    'requireLogin' => true,
    'allowHalfStars' => true,
    'allowRatingChange' => true,
    'allowFontAwesome' => true,
    'enableGql' => false,
    'keepRatingLog' => false,

It's possible to override only the settings that you want to change. You can also override settings based on the current environment...

return [
    // All environments
    '*' => [
        'keepRatingLog' => false
    // Production environment only
    'production' => [
        'keepRatingLog' => true