GraphQL Support

Support for GraphQL is in BETA

GraphQL support is currently experimental. Please proceed with caution!

# Enabling GraphQL support

Before you can enable GraphQL support for Star Ratings:

If both of those criteria are met, you may then enable GraphQL support within Star Ratings.

Enable GraphQL support on the plugin's Settings page:

With GraphQL support fully enabled, you will be able to use any of the following...

# Sort Elements by Highest Rated

In order to sort by highest rated, order your query by avgRating DESC...

The avgRating value acts as a dynamically-added field on your query.

query MyQuery {
  entries (section: "songs", orderBy: "avgRating DESC") {
    dateCreated @formatDateTime (format: "Y-m-d")

# Get Average Rating of an Element

In order to retrieve the average rating of a particular element, use the avgRating query...

Variable Type Default Description
elementId int required ID of the element.
key string null Optional unique key.
query MyQuery {
  avgRating(elementId: 101)

# Get Total Votes Cast on an Element

In order to retrieve the total number of votes on a particular element, use the totalVotes query...

Variable Type Default Description
elementId int required ID of the element.
key string null Optional unique key.
query MyQuery {
  totalVotes(elementId: 101)

# Cast a Rating on an Element

In order to cast a new rating, use the rate mutation...

Variable Type Default Description
rating int required New rating for specified element.
elementId int required ID of the element.
key string null Optional unique key.
userId int null ID of user casting rating.
mutation MyMutation {
  rate(elementId: 101, rating: 5)

Defaults to Currently Logged-in User (if possible)

When no user ID is specified, the currently logged in user will automatically be used instead.

If your system is completely headless, you may still need to manually specify the userID.