Getting Started
There are two ways to install Star Ratings...
# Install using Composer
Open your terminal and run the following commands:
# Go to the project directory
cd /path/to/project
# Tell Composer to load the plugin
composer require doublesecretagency/craft-starratings
# Tell Craft to install the plugin
./craft install/plugin star-ratings
# Install from the Plugin Store
Within your website's Plugin Store, search for Star Ratings.
- Login to your website's Control Panel.
- Go to the Plugin Store.
- Search for Star Ratings.
- Click the one that looks like this:
Star Ratings
A secure, easy, and elegant ratings system.
Then follow the instructions on that page to install the plugin. Scroll down to "Try" or "Add to Cart".
Public Page in the Plugin Store
For reference, check out the equivalent page in the public plugin store.