User Vote History
The following methods allow you to see what votes a user has cast. Depending on what you are trying to achieve, you can retrieve the entire user vote history, or a subset based on a unique key, or even identify which specific vote was cast by a user for a given element.
Requires Logged-in Users
Only logged-in users will have their votes recorded. Voting history is not available in anonymous voting systems.
# userHistory(userId = null)
You can optionally specify the user ID to get the voting history of a specific user.
If you do not specify a user, by default the method will return the voting history of the current user.
{% for user in craft.users.all() %}
{% set history = craft.upvote.userHistory( %}
{# Do whatever you want with the history #}
{% endfor %}
The results will be an array of element IDs, and the user's corresponding vote for each element.
// Element ID : User's Vote
14: 1
33: 1
39: -1
42: 1
The array keys are the element IDs of the elements being voted on.
The array values represent the direction of the vote. An upvote is 1, a downvote is -1.
# userHistoryByKey(userId = null, keyFilter = false)
Nearly identical to the userHistory
method (above), except you can also specify a unique key with which to filter by.
Defaults to Current User
If you want to specify the keyFilter
without specifying the userId
, you can bypass it with null. That will default to providing the history of the current user.
If you omit the keyFilter
, the history will be the complete voting history for the specified user. It will be organized by keys, and arranged into subsets.
If you specify the keyFilter
, the history will be only a subset of the complete user voting history.
{# Get the complete history, organized by keys #}
{% set history = craft.upvote.userHistoryByKey( %}
{# Get a subset of the history, filtered by the specified key #}
{% set history = craft.upvote.userHistoryByKey(, 'funny') %}
# userVote(userId, elementId, key = null)
Get the specific vote of a specific user for a specific element.
Returns 1
, -1
, or 0
1 = User has cast an upvote
-1 = User has cast a downvote
0 = User has not voted on this element
Here's an example of how you might check to see whether a user has already voted on an entry...
{% if 1 == craft.upvote.userVote(, %}
{# User has upvoted this entry #}
{% endif %}