Cast a vote on behalf of a specific user
// Cast a new vote
Upvote::$plugin->upvote_vote->castVote($elementId, $key, $vote [, $userId = null]);
// Remove an existing vote
Upvote::$plugin->upvote_vote->removeVote($elementId, $key [, $userId = null]);
If the $userId
is omitted, the vote will be cast by the currently logged-in user.
# Switching a vote to its opposite
In order to "swap" votes, you'll need to first remove the existing vote before applying it's opposing vote.
// Attempt to remove vote
$response = Upvote::$plugin->upvote_vote->removeVote($elementId, $key, $userId);
// If message is returned, bail
if (!is_array($response)) {
return $response;
// Cast new (opposing) vote
return Upvote::$plugin->upvote_vote->castVote($elementId, $key, $response['antivote'], $userId);
When the original vote is removed, the "antivote" will be deduced. You can then re-vote in the opposite direction, by specifying the antivote value.