

Lets your users upvote/downvote, "like", or favorite any type of element.

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Easily replicate voting systems such as Stack Overflow or Facebook "Likes". Secure and easily configurable, any element type can be voted on!

This powerful little plugin gives you the ability to upvote or downvote (a la Stack Overflow), or to even just "Like" something (a la Facebook). Secure and easily configurable, any element type can be voted on!

  • Sort elements by highest rated.
  • Completely customizable icons.
  • Optionally allow anonymous voting.

# Configured like Stack Overflow

This is the default configuration, including upvote and downvote icons.

# Configured like Facebook

It's very easy to override the default icons and replace them with whatever you choose. You can also disable downvoting, giving your users only the ability to "like" an element.

# Screenshot of the Settings page: